Lewisham launches consultation on low traffic neighbourhood

Lewisham Council launched a six-week consultation on its Lewisham and Lee Green Low Traffic Neighbourhood on Monday (June 28). 

The LTN, a set of road barriers aiming to reduce through-traffic and support active travel and social distancing, was brought in under Covid-19 emergency transport measures last year and has received mixed feedback.    

The scheme aimed to promote active travel such as cycling, walking, and public transport, while reducing air pollution, which many residents support.      

However, traffic was displaced onto roads outside of the LTN, which left locals concerned about road safety and increased air pollution.  

It emerged a few months after the LTN was put in place that traffic congestion outside central London in September was regularly at 150 per cent or more than in 2019 and more than 50 per cent in central London.  

In October the council said the congestion in the South Circular was not caused by but added to by the LTN, but that either way the situation needed to be “urgently” addressed.   

It significantly scaled back the LTN to relieve traffic in neighbouring areas and allowed Blue Badge holders to go through the camera-enforced barriers.  

More than 30,000 residents living in and around the LTN should receive a copy of the council’s survey through their door over the next week.  

But the survey is also available online and the council is urging all residents and businesses based outside the LTN to share their views over the next six weeks.  

Cllr Sophie McGeevor, cabinet member for environment and transport, said: “LTNs were introduced at speed – at the request of the Government - at the height of the pandemic last year.  

“Across London people have mixed views about them, and Lewisham is no different, which is why it’s really important we do everything we can to make sure we hear as many voices as possible.  

“The impact of Covid-19 is still being felt and the way we travel and move around is still changing, but a year on, we think it’s important we ask residents in and around the LTN about their experiences and whether they think it’s meeting its aims.  

“We want to make sure everyone has the chance to share their views, so we have a range of ways for people to do that, both online and via a paper survey.  

“This feedback will help us to make a decision about the future of the LTN later this year.” 

The findings of the consultation, along with a summary report, is expected to be presented to mayor and cabinet later this year. 

To complete the survey go here.

The consultation will close on August 8, 2021. 

Lewisham launches consultation on low traffic neighbourhood Lewisham launches consultation on low traffic neighbourhood Reviewed by Online Reviews on 3:10 PM Rating: 5

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