Inside Out: Portraits of Catford residents past on Town Hall

Portraits of Catford residents have been pasted on the side of Lewisham Town Hall as part of an international art project.

Inside Out, by acclaimed French artist JR, has seen the capital’s streets transformed with outdoor photographic displays to celebrate UEFA EURO 2020.

Five locations across the city have displayed portraits of Londoners in celebration of the capital’s communities, football and its ability to bring people together.

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Councillor Andre Bourne, Cabinet Member for Culture, Jobs and Skills, said: “This project is a great build up to our year as Borough of Culture.

“It offers an opportunity for residents to come forward and be part of a montage of faces, covering all races and gender.

“This initiative is an amazing way to start the build up to our comprehensive programme of activities during our year as Borough of Culture.”

Lewisham is preparing to start as the London Borough of Culture 2022.

JR's project has also seen Granary Square in King’s Cross become home to more than 400 faces, the Bernie Grant Arts Centre in Tottenham 200 faces, and in the Royal Docks 420 on the Royal Victoria Dock wall and surrounding footpath.

A special exhibition of portraits will also take place as part of the Wembley Park Outdoor Gallery and the Outside Art project at Kings Cross.

JR, artist and creator of Inside Out, said: “The Inside Out Project will allow any person in London to express a visual statement with their portrait.

"It's the first photobooth truck activation since a long time, at a beautiful moment of reopening – bringing people together again and building bridges through art."

The Inside Out Project was created a decade ago to share untold stories of people around the world through collaborative action and impact.

Over the past decade, more than 400,000 people across 138 countries have taken part. 

Inside Out: Portraits of Catford residents past on Town Hall Inside Out: Portraits of Catford residents past on Town Hall Reviewed by Online Reviews on 7:11 AM Rating: 5

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