Full list of destinations you can visit from June 30

A number of sunny getaways have been added to the UK's green travel list, including Spain's Balearic Islands, Madeira, Malta and Barbados.

Transport secretary Grant Shapps has confirmed that people entering the UK from 16 places will not have to quarantine from June 30.

The list – from which returning travellers are not required to self-isolate – has also been extended to a number of Caribbean destinations including Bermuda, Antigua, Barbados and Grenada.

Mr Shapps said the Government would continue to take a “cautious” approach to reopening foreign travel.

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However, he said the rollout of the coronavirus vaccination programme meant they could start to look at plans for easing restrictions on travel from amber list countries as well.

“Thanks to our successful vaccination programme, our intention is that later in the summer UK residents who are fully vaccinated will not have to isolate when travelling from amber list countries,” he tweeted.

“We’ll set out further details next month.”

Mr Shapps cautioned that all the additions to the green list, with the exception of Malta, had also been added to the green watch list, signalling that they are at risk of moving back to amber. Israel and Jerusalem have also been put on the watch list.

While the announcement came as some relief to the beleaguered travel industry, there was disappointment the Government had not gone further, with Greece, France, Italy and mainland Spain still on amber.

The Airport Operators Association chief executive Karen Dee said the Government’s “overly cautious” approach would continue to have “major financial impacts” on the sector.

Virgin Atlantic chief executive Shai Weiss said there was no reason to keep the United States on the amber list.

“The Government’s own evidence shows that the US is low risk and should be added to the green list now,” he said.

“Whilst the transatlantic corridor is closed, £23 million in economic value each day is restricted.”

However, Mr Shapps defended the decision not to go further, saying that protecting public health remained the top priority.

“It’s right that we continue with this cautious approach, to protect public health and the vaccine rollout as our top priority, while ensuring that our route out of the international travel restrictions is sustainable,” he said.

The changes announced by the Government follow advice from the Joint Biosecurity Centre and include a number of additions to the red list with returning travellers required to stay at a quarantine hotel.

The affected countries are the Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Haiti, Kuwait, Mongolia, Tunisia and Uganda.

The full list of destinations moved to the green list comprises:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Balearic islands
  • British Antarctic Territory
  • British Indian Ocean Territory
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Montserrat
  • Pitcairn Islands
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
Full list of destinations you can visit from June 30 Full list of destinations you can visit from June 30 Reviewed by Online Reviews on 7:13 AM Rating: 5

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