Covid-19 expert warns of 21 coronavirus symptoms you need to be aware of

A Covid-19 expert, responsible for the commonly used coronavirus symptom app has warned that there are actually 21 symptoms people need to be aware of.

Professor Tim Spector, from King's College London is the Principal Investigator of the PREDICT studies and the ZOE Covid Symptom Study app.

He has previously warned Brits that they need to be aware of additional symptoms not listed by the NHS.

One of which being how your nails could provide a clear indication that you are recovering from the deadly virus.

The professor explained that people with a “clear line” growing out of their nail may have had the virus before.

The NHS currently lists three key symptoms of the deadly bug responsible for the global health crisis.

The are a persistent, newly developed cough, a fever or a high temperature, and a sudden loss of taste or smell.

But now Prof Spector has said: "People urgently need to know there are more than just the three classic symptoms.

"The top symptoms being currently logged in the Zoe app are; headache, runny nose, sneezing, fatigue and sore throat, which for many will feel more like a common cold.

"The earlier people can catch the infection, the quicker they can self-isolate until symptoms abate and stop the spread.

"We encourage anyone feeling under the weather to take a test as soon as they can and stay at home.”

He added: “The data from the ZOE COVID Study has shown that there are over 20 different symptoms of COVID-19, not just the classic three: fever, cough and anosmia.

“The COVID-19 situation in the UK is different to last summer due to new variants and the vaccine roll out.

“We’ve found that the symptoms in younger people and post-vaccination are both different."

Here is the full list of 21 symptoms to look out for according Prof Spector:

  1. High temperature (fever)
  2. Chills or shivers
  3. Persistent cough
  4. Loss or change of smell
  5. Loss or change in taste
  6. Headache
  7. Unusual tiredness
  8. Sore throat
  9. Sudden confusion
  10. Skin rash
  11. Changes in the mouth or tongue
  12. Covid fingers or toes
  13. Shortness of breath
  14. Chest pains
  15. Muscle pains
  16. Horse voice
  17. Diarrhoea
  18. Skipping meals
  19. Abdominal pains
  20. Runny nose
  21. Sneezing

Latest figures show a total of 111,157 confirmed and probable cases of the Covid-19 Delta variant have now been identified in the UK, Public Health England said – up by 35,204, or 46%, on the previous week.

Of the 111,157, 102,019 have been in England, 7,738 in Scotland, 788 in Wales and 612 in Northern Ireland.

The most recent data shows that approximately 95% of confirmed cases of coronavirus across the UK are the Delta variant.

Covid-19 expert warns of 21 coronavirus symptoms you need to be aware of Covid-19 expert warns of 21 coronavirus symptoms you need to be aware of Reviewed by Online Reviews on 7:10 PM Rating: 5

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