14 holiday destinations that could be added to green list TODAY

Up to 14 holiday destinations could be added to the UK’s travel green list today as the government review the travel list.

Today will be the second review since international travel resumed on May 17 amid reports of a shake up to the travel system.

Earlier this week, Matt Hancock confirmed the government is “looking at” a change in the policy.

The changes would allow fully vaccinated Brits to travel to amber and red list countries with no quarantine.

Mr Hancock said he is “in favour of moving forward in this area” and replacing quarantine with daily testing with the changes coming as early as August.

“This hasn’t been clinically advised yet – we’re working on it,” he said.

“We’re working on plans to essentially allow the vaccine to bring back some of the freedoms that have had to be restricted to keep people safe.

“After all, that’s the whole purpose of the vaccination programme, that’s why it’s so important that every adult goes out and gets the jab.”

Travel agents want to see more popular destinations added to the green list to join countries such as Gibraltar, the Faroe Islands and Iceland.

People arriving in the UK from green list destinations are not required to self-isolate, but there are currently no viable major tourist destinations in that tier.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has expressed hope that “the world could open up”, as holidaymakers eagerly await an update to the Government’s foreign travel lists.

Asked about the prospect of restrictions being eased, Mr Shapps said: “I’m optimistic that the world is catching up with where we are in our vaccination programme.

“What happens in the UK is, people say ‘well everyone I know or a lot of people I know are vaccinated’.

“People will say that, but of course as soon as you go abroad you find that’s actually not the case.

“So balancing the opening up whilst preserving people’s safety and security at home is absolutely at the forefront.

“Of course I very much hope the world could open up. We’ve got to follow the data, and that’s what we’ll be doing in the meetings over the next few days.”

The Times reported that Malta and the Balearic Islands are among a “handful” of places being considered for addition to the green list.

This would include Menorca, Mallorca and Ibiza.

Italy could also be given the green light with infection rates currently below the UK’s while the USA and Canada continue to push their vaccination rollouts.

Germany and Mexico with a rate of 16 cases per 100,000 could meet the requirements to be added to the green list.

Meanwhile Finland with a rate of 10 per 100,000 and Poland with a rate of 6 cases per 100k seem a viable option.  

Croatia also has a low infection rate while Morocco has just six cases per 100k of the population.

Jamaica is currently recording 12 positive cases per 100k.

Barbados and Grenada, at 1 and 0 per 100,000 respectively, complete the list.

14 holiday destinations that could be added to green list TODAY 14 holiday destinations that could be added to green list TODAY Reviewed by Online Reviews on 6:10 AM Rating: 5

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