Smoke billowing from inside Blackwall Tunnel after care fire

Smoke has been pictured pouring out of Blackwall Tunnel this morning after a car erupted into flames inside the tunnel.

Aorund 100 people have been evacuated from the tunnel by Met Police officers, and delays are expected across central and south east London.

Pictures show smoke billowing out of the River Thames crossing have emerged, and local authorities are urging people to avoid travelling towards the area.

This Is Local London: Smoke billowing from Blackwall Tunnel. Photo - Will NobleSmoke billowing from Blackwall Tunnel. Photo - Will Noble

Crews from the London Fire Brigade have been deployed to fight the fire, which is located in the northbound side of the tunnel and begun at around 10am.

The LFB said a car was alight inside thenortbound section of the Greenwich tunnel.

One vehicle was badly damged in the fire, but there are no reports of an injuries and the fire is now under control.

More to follow.

Smoke billowing from inside Blackwall Tunnel after care fire Smoke billowing from inside Blackwall Tunnel after care fire Reviewed by Online Reviews on 1:10 PM Rating: 5

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