Essex Community Foundation helps Harlow's Upwards with Downs charity

A funding boost of £21,000 has been given to a charity to provide one-on-one speech therapy sessions for children with Down Syndrome.

Upwards with Downs, which helps around 40 families across Essex and Hertfordshire, offers support and guidance to those with Down syndrome along with their families.

The grant has been awarded to Harlow-based organisation by the independent charitable trust Essex Community Foundation (ECF).

Peggy Slade, from Upwards with Downs said: “Every person with Down syndrome has some problems with communication due to their learning delay. If they cannot speak and be understood they can develop feelings of frustration, anger and anxiety.

“We are so grateful for this grant as speech therapy is vital to the wellbeing of our clients and knowing that we can provide this support over the next three years will take away a lot of worry.”

The speech therapy sessions will be provided in addition to NHS sessions, helping to give children confidence to communicate with their family and friends, and the outside world.

Upwards with Downs also runs a wide range of other activities including physiotherapy, drama classes, swimming lessons and monthly discos where families can socialise and make friends.

Caroline Taylor, chief executive of ECF, said: “We are very pleased to provide this funding over the next three years as we know that so many local families will benefit.”

For more information about ECF and to find out how to make an application for funding, please call the grants team on 01245 356018 or visit

You can help charities like Upwards with Downs by supporting ECF's Acorn Fund Challenge.

The Trust is appealing for donations and matching them on a two-to-one basis. This means that for every £2 received, ECF will add £1, and if Gift Aid can be claimed, it nearly doubles the value of donations.

Give online through:

To give by card over the phone call us on 01245 355947

Send a cheque to Essex Community Foundation at 121 New London Road, Chelmsford CM2 0QT.

Speak to ECF if you want to make a donation by bank transfer or to set up a regular gift

For more information, email

Essex Community Foundation helps Harlow's Upwards with Downs charity Essex Community Foundation helps Harlow's Upwards with Downs charity Reviewed by Online Reviews on 6:10 AM Rating: 5

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